1 min readSep 9, 2021


That is what this feels like.

On one hand I want to cry, and on the other I simply watch as spectator, wondering why I can’t get anymore than a gathering of tears in my eyes.

Truly, it is the wrongest time to feel detached, as this is happening to me.

In real time.

I often have to remind myself that.

And then I catch myself wondering how others who have gone through same felt.

I realise it is what would have birthed the hate for many to this.

And then I catch myself, again, because that is once again, regarding it in dismissive manner.

But it is my reality.

I don’t forget that, but all my actions to welcome an end to this all feels like an advice to a friend.

Where you are touched, but in truth, untouched.

Except, it is just me, and I am touched. So I should be touched.

I prepared for this. I just did not prepare.

I imagine I would feel the pain in coming days.

My body will demand the tears, and it will come.

on befores, in detached anticipation for an unknown after.


Writing Poetry and short prose pieces are my fixes. Journaling, and some.