2 min readApr 23, 2021

Right now, I feel…balanced.

It is what I seek at every point.

With every interaction. Every action.

The time is 10:26 PM, I finished a meal of bread, suya, sardine, and tea (hush) a while ago. I was tensed for the most of the day trying to reach the deadlines I set for some things I had to get done. But not anymore. Not now.


I am laying on this bed. I am warm.

A good contrast to the cold from this fan.

Good music from a playlist I made Seun for his travel is playing from the music speakers, and damn, it’s a beautiful playlist. Made it in rush, but again, I made it so I shouldn’t exactly be surprised it’s so good hehe.

It is Friday.

This week has been interesting. A breeze, and not. Felt conflicted some times, and I wrote here. I usually deleted them a while after, as I wondered if this space was becoming a journal, and I was not sure that I wanted that.

I’ve decided I don’t mind it.

So. I will not be deleting this. As well as others.

There’s balance, and this feels easy. I don’t feel tight- a new constant I was beginning to wary of.

Usually, I would be subconsciously seeking ways to test out the balance. Do certain things I know will probably ruin the scale, but unable to stop the self sabotage.

Now though, I’m just going to settle back with the novel I was reading as soon as I am done writing this.

I will be writing a lot.

I think I will be sleeping soon.

North Face- Odie


Writing Poetry and short prose pieces are my fixes. Journaling, and some.